I am interested in conducting research at the intersection of nonprofits, immigration, inclusion, exclusion, cities, and foster care, with a focus on understanding how (non)governmental entities contribute to the exclusion of marginalized groups in society.
Sorrell-Medina, Z (2024). Testing the relationship between local context and immigrant-serving nonprofit strategies. Nonprofit Policy Forum.
Sorrell-Medina, Z. (2024) Optimizing immigrant and ethnic participation in qualitative research. In Sage Research Methods: Diversifying and decolonizing research. Sage publications.
Sorrell-Medina, Z (2023). The theory of citizenry exclusion: Understanding why immigrant-serving nonprofits emerge. Journal of Ethnic and Racial Studies.
Nicholls, W. & Sorrell-Medina, Z. (2023). Undocumented immigrant activism: The struggle for rights and recognition. In Van Liempt, I., Schapendonk, J., Campos-Delgado, A., (Eds.), Research handbook on irregular migration. (pp. 106-117). Edward Elgar Publishing Limited.
Sorrell-Medina, Z. (2022). A Strategy Typology: Unearthing How U.S.-Immigrant-Serving Nonprofits Contribute to Immigrant Inclusion Outcomes. Journal of Immigrant & Refugee Studies, 1–14.
Sorrell-Medina, Z. (Article). National goal trends: Understanding the goals of US immigrant-serving nonprofits.
Sorrell-Medina, Z, Aparacio, M., Godoy, A., Juarez, A. (Article). Nonprofit exclusion: The case of foster and adoption agencies.
Sorrell-Medina, Z & Aparacio, M. (Article). A scoping literature review of immigrant-serving nonprofit organizations.
Tessler, T. & Sorrell-Medina, Z (Article). Understanding exclusion: The case of AAPI discrimination during COVID-19
Stamps, T & Sorrell-Medina, Z (Article). Unwanted Kids: Assessing Depictions of Foster Youth in Films
Sorrell-Medina, Z (Book). Marigold: Uncovering the complexity of at promise youth.
Sorrell-Medina, Z., Gonzales, L., Townley, H., Caballero, M., Quijano, M., Collins, S. (2021). A Report on the state of Immigrant inclusion in Florida. Welcoming Gainesville & Alachua Co.
Sorrell-Medina, Z., Madueke, K. (2021). Evaluating the effectiveness of an art-based peace program in contributing to processes of peace in Jos, Nigeria. Yemaya Productions, LLC.
Foster Parent Exclusion Data
The foster parent exclusion data compiles Reddit posts exhibiting how (prospective) foster and adoption parents experience exclusion in the process of becoming a foster-adopt parent. Access link in between parenthesis --> (here)